Monday, July 22, 2013

(22-07-2013) Travcoa Promotes Meetings with People from Exotic Indigenous Cultures Adv3nturTrav3l

Travcoa Promotes Meetings with People from Exotic Indigenous Cultures Jul 22nd 2013, 17:39

Travcoa is responding to the rising demand for cultural encounters and authentic experiences with a series of tours that provide opportunities for clients to experience encounters with indigenous people in faraway places and some immersion in their cultures. The operator offers some small-group tours and private guided trips that provide some immersion in indigenous cultures in meetings with people in remote places, such as Papua New Guinea’s Huli Wigmen, Ethiopia’s ancient tribes, and Canada’s Haida Nation.

 According to Jerre Fuqua, Travcoa’s president, “There are few destinations remaining in the world where you can genuinely interact with cultures that have flourished for centuries, and where ancient traditions are continued today. For 60 years Travcoa has been offering exceptional life-changing journeys of discovery, and these three itineraries are truly representative of Travcoa’s legacy.”

 Travcoa’s tour of Papua New Guinea, called Melanesia’s Cultural Gem program takes clients to meet tribes that live in remote enclaves with little contact to the modern world, where there are more than 850 languages spoken. The itinerary includes a visit with members of several villages along the Sepik River and attendance at the Mount Hagen Cultural Show, where more than 50 indigenous tribes perform tribal music and dance in traditional dress. The 16-day package is priced from $10,695 per person, double occupancy.

 Another Travcoa program, Cultures in the Cradle of Humankind, focuses on the culture and anthropological history of Ethiopia, with visits to archeological sites and meetings with living ancient cultures. The 10-day Escorted Journey explores northern Ethiopia and is priced from $5,945 per person. A 17-day version extends the trip into the remote southern regions of Ethiopia, priced from $9,295 per person.

 The Spirit of Haida Gwaii visits a remote archipelago off the northwest coast of Canada that has been nicknamed “the Galapagos of the North.” The islands have many relics of aboriginal culture in areas where ancient villages have been overtaken by rainforests and the waters are home to diverse marine life. It includes a trip  by Zodiac to the ancient village of Skedans and a chance to paddle a traditional canoe, meet a totem pole carver and stay at the Haida House lodge. The five-day Independent Journey is priced from $3,495 per person.